Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What is Spy Phone Software & How to Find Out If It's on Your Cell Phone

What Is Spy Phone Software?

Spy Phone Software (sometimes referred to as cell spyware) is software that is downloaded directly into a compatible mobile.

Avenue Q

Once installed, the software becomes undetectable and immediately begins to record activity, and then secretly uploads all the data to an online web account.

The person who installed the spy software, can now log into their account via any internet connected device, and view all activity recorded, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

What Can It Do

Spy phone software has come a long ways over the last few years. In the past, the only thing this type of software did, was enable someone to read text messages by secretly forwarding the text messages to another number. However, the technology has now improved to give users a variety of spy options such as:

Now that you know what spyphone software is and what it can do, how can you find out if you have it on your cell? Here are the top five things to look out for.

Top Five Things To Look Out For That Might Indicate You Have Spy Phone Software On Your Cell.

1) Can I Borrow Your cellphone? Someone has recently asked to borrow your mobile to make a "private call" or to download a ring tone or something similar such as an app or game. (99.9% of all spy software requires a person to get physical access in order to install the software.)

2) Where Is My Charger? Is your battery life suddenly a lot shorter than the usual amount of hours? Depending on the type of software, you might experience a considerable amount of abnormal battery drain.

3) Receipt Please! Your SMS / text message bill has recently increased and you do not remember sending so many messages. Another sign is that you notice an unusual increase in GPRS activity and/or charges on your bill. Most cell phone spyware apps use GPRS to transfer the data logs, which means you might be able to identify an increase in data traffic if you normally do not download ring tones, surfing the net, etc.

4) Strange Lights. Your device 'lights up' for no reason but does not ring. Some types of spyware have remote monitoring features and when someone attempts to call or monitor you, the spy software cannot stop the mobile from lighting up/flash.

5) Strange Noises? Some have a live call interception feature, which cause your cell phone to actually make a noise when you are talking on it. Sometimes it is hard to tell with background noise in general, but if you are inside and notice a clicking noise, it probably means you are being tapped.

If some or all of these are happening to you, the only way to completely remove it is to go to the place of purchase and/or service provider and tell them you want to reinstall the firmware because someone installed cell spyware. You can also check out Spy Phone Software forums online for the latest detection applications. Most of these forums have resources where you can download free applications that will detect these type of programs.

As you can see, this type of technology has come a long ways and it is a lot more powerful than people think. The good news is that there are ways to detect it and ultimately remove it.

What is Spy Phone Software & How to Find Out If It's on Your Cell Phone

For more information on spy phone software, including the latest news on cell phone spyware detection and removal, check out the #1 Spy Phone Software resource site. You can also follow me on Twitter @spyphoneguy

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Spiritual Poverty of the Gay Lifestyle Today!


Fortunately for all Americans the 1960's, 70's and then 80's led first to greater sexual freedom and liberation - and then to greater sexual honesty. The internet boom of the last decade solidified those gains to the extent that there can likely never really be a return to the sexual
"dark ages".

Avenue Q


Gays and Lesbians had historically lived prior to the Stonewall Riots lives of quiet desperation "in the closet" facing overt hostility and repression every day of their lives.

After the STONEWALL RIOTS - our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters overall marched straight out of their closets and eventually right down MAIN STREET or FIFTH AVENUE or MARKET STREET or SANTA MONICA BOULEVARD in their festive PRIDE PARADES across North America and now across the world. Many gays and to a lesser extent Lesbians want to be open about their sexual orientation - while this is NOT the case with most bisexuals - especially happy bisexuals.

Soon across America there were dozens of openly gay bars, adult bookstores, and bathhouses in every major North American city. Gay Community Centers sprouted in most every major North American city - save San Francisco - where until recently the community was so fractious they could not even open such a center! Gay Community Centers with time became Gay and Lesbian Centers - then GLBT Centers and soon to be GLBT and P - polyamory - and Q centers - Queer.

Maybe one fine day even the new, trendy METROSEXUALS will join the sexual minorities to party and to parade!

The GAY PARADIGM - which emerged as a result of this desire for being OPEN - was often confrontational to the larger straight community with a certain "WE'RE QUEER and WE'RE HERE!" element in far too many areas of America. In the gay era before AIDS the fact of life was that the gay community was hijacked by the THREE B'S who made a killing - and also ultimately killed off thousands if not millions of gays. They are the BARS, the BATHS, and the BOOKSTORES. Their agenda was to make FILTHY LUCRE and they did so rapaciously for years and years. Gay communities in these early years - including their activists and journalists became dependent on these deep pockets but they too were all too often caught in the thrall of the 3 B's AGENDA - even hidden agenda of SEEK BUT DO NOT FIND.

Even today the "beau ideal" of the American gay community is some twenty-something twink or hunk or military type - portrayed again and again for decades endlessly and all but mindlessly. This beau ideal type can never be snared and brought home to one's bed - save at a hefty price (escorts and models or trade) - much less to one's life and family! Billions have been and will continue to be made on the backs and knees of these 18 to 25 year olds who are then cast off for next year's "model". Nothing is sadder than meeting a middle-aged towel boy at a gay bath or spa or a broken down bartender at some gay bar who openly laments that he was once "somebody" in the gay limelight years ago.

The NOT so secret moneymaking agenda of the POWERS THAT BE in the gay community - the 3 B's and their legion of co- conspirators was "SEEK BUT DO NOT FIND". Gay men HAD to go out as often as possible to the bars, the baths or the bookstores - as they might be missing out on something or someone. Even if they found someone it was and is all too often a one-night stand if not a 15 minute standup. One gay friend recently admitted to me he had not had horizontal gay sex since the AIDS epidemic was full-blown (i.e. two decades). While many gay men do find long-term committed relationships - as the new Gay Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire - far too many will regale you with Elizabeth Taylor-esque tales of their 13 husbands and numerous affairs - few lasting more than a season or two. BUT - the 3 B's want gays "to seek but do not find" - to be good consumers - good customers! I attended University of California's Hastings College of the Law in San Francisco in the early 70's and one openly notorious homosexual law student openly proclaimed that his small gay bar and its 11 long-term regular patrons who cashed their every paycheck there paid his way through law school. He admitted that over two dozen such "regulars" were openly feted at all major holidays and their every birthday to keep them as "regulars".

Even to this day - the GAY PARADIGM - the GAY COMMUNITY is still trying to shirk this "seek but do not find" rigid pattern. Unlike many happy bisexuals - gays and even many Lesbians - are still under this spell - notwithstanding that even the major gay mecca cities San Francisco and New York closed the gay baths - gay bars are half in number or half full today -yet the adult bookstores - and videos - and pornographers are richer than ever - harvesting a new crop of young twinks and studs for their 15 minutes of fame every season of every year until the end of time. The internet has been a major boon to pornography and pornography sales worldwide especially in the gay "beefcake" market.


Things - largely due to AIDS as well as long-term maturing gay and lesbian community - have changed and are changing - but the change from the "3 B's" holding the community in its thrall has morphed into gross and crass materialism as soon as the major marketing gurus found the Gay and Lesbian NICHE of affluent consumers with huge discretionary spending who were eager to "Seek and Find" and then "Seek and Find" again - consumer goods and luxury travel and the like.

NOW the vast majority of the FORTUNE 500 companies market to the Gay and Lesbian Community noting in their
marketing circles that the Gay and Lesbian market is one of the larger and more affluent segments of today's marketplace. Gays and Lesbians who were already as average American consumers easy prey for materialism and
consumerism were even more easily influenced when buying this and that product led to acceptance by this or that major corporate icon, this or that major world conglomerate - tied with greater status and greater rank in one's millieu.


Finally, after this gay party and Pride parade - then gay + Lesbian party and parade - was far along - here come some welcome alternatives. The Metropolitian Community Church has been with us for decades and has sought to help fill the spiritual hunger of many gays and lesbians who want to find that solace and inner peace in a gay and Lesbian religious setting.

Many mainstream Christian churches have embraced the gay and lesbian community in many outreach programs as the Churchof Christ and the Unitarian/Universalists and the gay and lesbian support groups and organizations within their home churches as Dignity, Integritry, and the Brethern and the like. Islam offered up "Gay Muslim" groups and there are many GLBT groups for Jews, Buddhists, and other faiths.

Many gay and lesbians have also explored alternatives to organized religions with New Age thinking, yoga, Scientology
and other stops on that long travelled road the American pursuit of happiness trail.

Microcosm vs. Macrocosm:

Maybe gays and lesbians just finally caught up with the mainstream of American life - gross, crass materialism being catered to and cajoled into more and more consumer spending and more and more consumer debt to "Seek and Find" and then continually in yet more and more rounds of self-indulgence and over-indulgence to "Seek and Find" again and again. Sadly there is no "silver bullet" for the Gay and Lesbian community nor American society as a whole. When and where will we all find something more valuable, reliable and relevant - than buy, buy, buy and more, more, more? When?

Best Wishes & Big Hugs,

Stewart ("Mac") McCloud

Founder & President


250,000+ Men with us!

The Spiritual Poverty of the Gay Lifestyle Today!

Stewart (Mac) McCloud is the Founder and President of the Bi Men Network - - the world's largest social and support organization for bisexual men, bi-curious males, gay guys, and bi couples - now with over 1/4 million members. With members on all six continents - the Bi Men Network brings together both bi and bi-curious men and bi couples on one side and gay men on the other. Many of the gay men who join the Bi Men Network were once bi themselves, or enjoy bi men or are gay men who are often alienated from and disaffected by the gay mainstream and gay lifestyle. Annual Bi Men Getaway Weekend held each Spring in Las Vegas. Bi Men Network offers support and resources for its worldwide membership and a means to make new friends both online and offline. Free!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Los Angeles & Hollywood Area Attraction

Los Angeles 'City of Angeles'- A cultural city full of life 24hours a day 365 days a year. When you come to LA, you will find a city full of fun, glamour & dreams. A City that redefined enjoyment, Los Angeles is a place you would like to come again & again not only because of the glitz & glamour of Hollywood or the attraction of the rich and the famous personalities but also because of the sun soaked beaches of Santa Monica and Venice Beach, this original Toon-Town has more to offer then you can ask for. It helps to know that what is commonly referred to as 'LA' is really 'LA County', a conglomeration of 88 cities of which LA is just one. The heart of the city of Los Angeles is Downtown, about 19 kilometers (12 mi) east of the ocean and hemmed in by the I-10, I-5 and US 101.

There are many places in Los Angeles to visit, few of them are list below:



Six Flags Magic Mountain

Los Angeles Zoo

Los Angeles Convention Center

LA Staples Center

LAX Airport

Burbank Airport

California Los Angeles Studios

--Warner Bros. Studio



Los Angeles California Beaches

--Venice Beach

--Santa Monica Beach

Los Angeles California Universities



Hollywood Area Attractions

Hollywood really is the land of dreams to its visitors from this site you can know every thing about Hollywood area attractions like- Universal studio Hollywood, Hollywood walk of fame, Paramount studios, Hollywood sign, Rodeo Drive, Farmers Market, Los Angeles Hollywood Streets & Los Angeles Hollywood Theaters. Know about past and present of these Hollywood attractions & familiarize yourself with Hollywood California.

There are many places in Hollywood to visit, few of them are list below:

Universal Studios Hollywood

Hollywood Walk of Fame

Paramount studios

Hollywood Sign

Rodeo Drive

Farmers Market

Los Angeles Hollywood Streets

--Sunset Boulevard

--Hollywood Boulevard

--Highland Ave

Los Angeles Hollywood Theaters

--Hollywood Bowl Theater

--Grauman Chinese Theater

--Kodak Theater

--Pantages Theater

You can visit these beautiful places & enjoy your vacation with your family.
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Los Angeles & Hollywood Area Attraction

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Glam Up Your Home With Dupioni Silk Curtains

Adding classic Hollywood glamour to one's room has become very easy with Dupioni silk curtains. Be it soft colors for a boudoir or a combination of subtle and flamboyant shades for living rooms, or deep prints for bathrooms, this variety of silk fabric can enhance the appearance of any room. Dupioni silk, although comparatively expensive, is the best silk quality available. Moreover, if you purchase curtains from a reputed dealer, you are sure to get it at a very affordable rate.

Dupioni Silk Curtains: Types and Benefits

Avenue Q

Through the online avenue, you can access an array of Dupioni silk curtains, including Shanghai (100% hand-woven silk), Reeded and Bangalore silk types.

They prove to be a good choice if you wish to add a regal look to your home. The toughest natural fiber, silk can be blended with materials such as, cotton, rayon and linen to make the fabric stronger and impart a unique look. Moreover, they are naturally molded, dirt-resistant, easy-to-maintain and are effective insulators.

Dupioni Silk Curtains: Selecting the Best for your Home

The following are some things that need to be taken into consideration before purchasing these type of curtains:

Measure: This is the first step to ensuring that you buy drapes of the accurate length and width. Be sure that you leave sufficient space for the drapes to fall as long as you want them to. At a popular online source, you will definitely be able to find silk curtains of your choice.

Color: The color scheme will lend warmth, elegance, sophistication or that extra oomph to the room. Although most feel that the color of the upholstery can be determined later, it is crucial to decide on the color of the curtains because it is a part of the room's décor.

Style: You may have decided on specific curtain styles. However, it is a good idea to look through the other styles as well before finalizing on one. You may be able to decide whether you prefer the ruffled drape style to the tasseled one, or perhaps you are inclined towards a valance.

Design: Some curtains have patterns created on them. You might want to make sure that the patterns are not too overwhelming for regular use. You may even decide to make it the focal point of the room. Subtlety may be a factor you want to look into.

A huge range of curtain styles and varieties in all shades and measurements is available at For the most comprehensive variety at competitive prices, visit

Glam Up Your Home With Dupioni Silk Curtains

Hope you like this article. For more information for dupioni silk draperies, please visit

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Top Five Best Uses of QR Codes For Marketing

As the popularity of QR Codes continually increases, there are several new and unique ways to be both creative and crafty in your marketing campaigns. Since you can add a QR code to anything where you can put an image, the marketing possibilities are virtually endless. We thought it would be fun to examine five of these campaigns.

5. Swag Branding

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Everyone loves free stuff, and corporate branding of free merchandise is nothing new. Leave-behinds or take-ways or whatever you want to call them have always held a vague prospect of getting your company in front of new people. By placing QR codes on free promo merchandise, the person receiving it has more ability to interact with your company and more of a reason to share your merchandise with others so they can also interact the product (and you have a chance to see just how many and how often and for how long that product's marketing life lasts.

Since many companies have not taken advantage of the QR revolution, using this technology now is both advantageous and informative. More people will eagerly scan the QR codes so they can participate in this fun and inventive technology if you include simple directions.

4. QR'd Product Catalogs

Many companies rely on large product catalogs to show all that they offer. Recently, many of these have begun seeing a real advantage in incorporating QR codes into every product they sell.

A QR-sprinkled product catalog does a few things: one, you can offer up-to-the-minute information about product availability if you sell customized products; two, you can notify production if you see that a certain number of items has been scanned frequently preparing for orders; and three, product catalogs can be printed less often.

The other obvious benefit of this feature is that it creates a whole new avenue for customers to interact with a company. Viewers can share product information and samples with anyone all over the world all with a simple click of their phone, recommending products or making the decision to purchase more convenient, timely and social.

3. Artwork

Since the image of the QR Code can be adaptable it can also be made to include logos or specific images and even video. This function helps create an extremely creative marketing art piece.

For example, the Pet Shop Boys released the single, Integral, in 2007 in protest to the British government proposing a national identity card concept. The single featured a QR Code as the single's artwork that linked to a website that informed the user of ways to counter this proposal. They also included a moving QR Code into their music video that anyone could snap with their phone and be directed to the same website while watching their TV. Regardless of their political agenda, it was very successful in raising awareness of their cause, and can be for anyone else too.

2. QR Billboards

Recently marketers in Britain have found success with simply displaying QR Codes on billboards. The photo featured here was for a DVD release for the movie, "28 Days Later". While this advertisement could have done so much more with its code link, its presence did make the DVD release much more popular than expected in that area because it got people talking.

The great thing about its presence is that it creates buzz regardless of the consumer's knowledge of the technology. For those who do know what it is and how to access it, the QR image lets them interact with your product and website. For those that don't know, a web address or simply the company name will lead to many search attempts to find out what is going on with the advertisement.

And the number one best and most creative use of QR in recent weeks...

1. QR Buildings

Now this is certainly not for every business (!), but what one company has done in Japan is truly one of a kind. In 2009, The N Building was unveiled in the Tachikawa district of Tokyo. The whole side of the building facing the street is one large QR Code.

Once the image is caught on your phone, the outside facade disappears and leads to a variety of extremely unique and intriguing functions: information on shops inside, reservations for stores and restaurants inside, and special coupons only available to those who have captured their building's image. The most impressive function? Speech bubbles of employees working inside who are twittering, as well as the ability to see where they are blogging from within the building (and track them if they are moving and, say, tweeting on a mobile device!). It is a very creative and interesting new idea that has quickly made this a very popular destination within the community.

Top Five Best Uses of QR Codes For Marketing

Monday, November 21, 2011

Great Indian Legend, Father of American Jainism

Jainism is one of the oldest religion of all known existing religions founded billion of billion years ago in this cycle by Lord Adinath, first tirthankar & Lord Mahavir, 24th Tirthankar actually revived Jainism mis-represented as founder of Jainism.

The Jain religion, according to the Jain scriptures is eternal, revealed in every cyclic period of the universe. The time is divided into 2equal half cycles namely Utsarpini(ascending)Kal & Avasarpini(descending)Kal. Each cycle is again divided into six divisions known as aras.The aras of Avasarpini are in reverse than in Utsarpini. There are 24 tirthankars in each half cycle. There has been infinite number of half cycles in past and there will be infinite number of half cycles in future. Jainism is based on laws of nature and truths of the universe. Therefore, Jainism has been in existence since the laws of nature have been in existence. Therefore, Jains believe that the Jain religion has been in existence since the time without beginning and will have no end.

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Param Pujya Acharya Vijayandsuri (Muni Atmaramji) was worldwide famous Great Jain Saint who could see centuries & ages ahead of their time. His outlook was very wide, his heart was full of kindness & sympathy, thirst for virtues, deep knowledge of various scriptures, great intuition powers, and unbeatable desire to be under Jainism and study its highest literature was the essential qualities of his nature.

Acharya Vijayanadsuri (Atmaramji) was born in 1821 CE in a Kapoor Khatri family. At the age of 16, he was initiated in Sthanakwasi Jain order. Later in VS 1875, he was initiated by Muni Buddhivijaya of tapa gaccha. In 1886, he was conferred the title of Acharya at palitana. Previous such honour of being conferred the title of an Acharya was almost four centuries ago. (1)

Acharya Vijayanandsuriji (Atmaramji Muni), a versatile, far-sighted Jain saint-scholar, author of several learned treatises was invited to participate in first ever the Parliament of World Religions at Chicago, USA in 1893. The principles of right conduct for a Jain monk prevented him from going abroad. Since he wanted awareness about Jainism to be re-presented at this Congress, he trained and deputed 29 year-old, charismatic Virchand Raghavji Gandhi (VRG) (August 25, 1864 - August 7, 1901). VRG then was a young barrister, great exponent of Indian culture-religions, a polyglot knowing 14 languages, secretary of Jain Association of India, Mumbai and was well-versed in Jainism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Christianity, Western philosophies, Yoga, etc. Its note worthy that at age of 21 VRG became first hon. Secretary of Jain Association of India in 1885 .

VRG and Swami Vivekananda sailed at the same time to participate at the Parliament with same goals; both personalities wearing traditional turbans, made tremendous appearance and had claimed equal attention at the Congress for awakening the western world of the spiritual heritage and rich past history of India. Shri Virchand Gandhi's life was full of incidents and events, which were rare, even in the life of great personages of those times.

1893, World Religions parliament was held at the Columbus Hall of Art Institute of Chicago with more than 3000 delegates of different nations and religions & such conference lasted for 17 days.

VRG, at the Parliament of World Religions conveyed, "You have heard so many speeches from eloquent members, and I shall speak later on at some length. I will, at present, only offer on behalf of my community and their high priest, Muni Atmaramji, whom I especially represent here, our sincere thanks for the kind welcome you have given us. This spectacle of learned leaders of thought and religion meeting together on a common platform and throwing light on religious problems has been a dream of Muni Atmaramji's Life. He has commissioned me to say to you that he offers his most cordial congratulations on his own behalf, and on behalf of the Jaina community, for your having achieved the consummation of that grand idea, of convening a Parliament of Religions.I wish that the duty of addressing you on the history and the tenets of the Jaina faith had fallen on that able person than on me. The inclemency of the climate, and the distant voyage which one has to undertake before one can come here, have prevented that able Jaina from attending this grand assembly and personally presenting to you the religious convictions of the Jainas. You will, therefore, look upon me as simply the mouthpiece of Muni Atmaramji, the learned high priest of the Jainas in India, who has devoted his whole life to the study of that ancient faith. ".

"I represent Jainism, a faith older than Buddhism, similar to it in its ethics, but different from it in its psychology, and professed by a million and a half of India's most peaceful and law abiding citizens". He expounded to them what this universe is; whether there is God as the creator of this universe; what is the ultimate purpose of life and several such other things. He explained to them navatatva , shaddravya , chargati, panchavratha, Moksha , nyayavad , Anekanthavad . He re-presented or corrected the false and perverse impression of India as being the land of maharajahs, tigers and cobras. He narrated an incident from King Akbar's life and praised him for respecting all other religions. He spoke as an Indian first but kept Jainism at his heart. When one consciously suppresses individuality by proper physical, mental, moral, and spiritual development, one becomes part and parcel of immutable course of nature, environment, and ecology and never suffers, said VRG on Jain Yoga Philosophy.

Shri Gandhi said, "It is an astonishing fact that foreigners have been constantly attacking India and in the face of all this aggression the soul of India has stood vital and watchful. Her conduct and religion are safe and the whole world looks at India with a steady gaze." He added "Cultural distinctions, agriculture, art, artistic skill, literature, good conduct, means of knowledge, science, hospitality, feminism, love, and respect - all these are found in India in quite a different form. If that culture was purchasable, England would have purchased it, adopted it. But it has not happened, it cannot happen."

As a true patriot, VRG talked about economic and political freedom five decades before India became independent. He proclaimed at the parliament that if India became independent, she would never invade any other country with violence. Today this statement appears as a prophecy that Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) proved in attaining India's freedom with peaceful means.

VRG's speeches also created a deep brilliant image that American people were magnetically attracted towards him and at their request VRG prolonged his stay for two years and was invited twice later in 1897 and 1899. He delivered as many as 535 lectures mainly in Chicago, Boston, New York, Washington of USA, England, France, Germany and other European countries. At all these places he was well listened, felicitated and presented with medals.

VRG defended Hinduism at the Parliament under unjust criticism by elaborating its principles. In those days, sea voyage was considered as unholy and VRG faced unjust criticism for the same. Swami Vivekanand wrote in 1894 from 541, Dearborn Avenue, Chicago, to the Diwan of Junagadh"Now here is Virchand Gandhi, the Jain whom you knew well in Bombay. This man never takes anything but mere vegetables even in this terribly cold climate and tooth and nail tries to defend his countrymen and religion. The people of this country like him very well. But what are they doing who sent him over? They are trying to outcast him."

Swami Vivekanand's work became well-known but unfortunately little was known about VRG's! One of the U.S. periodicals wrote while giving tribute to both of them when VRG and Swamiji died in 1901 and 1902 respectively, "The influence of Vivekanand's philosophy has been kept alive by his disciples by founding organization like Ramkrishna Mission whereas, it is a matter of great pity that no attempt has been made to keep alive VRG's memory!"

Herbert Warren, a religious enthusiast, abandoned non-vegetarianism and adopted the Jain religion. He took notes from VRG's lectures and wrote a book on Jainism. V. Glasenapp, a Well-known German scholar wrote his doctoral dissertation on the Jaina Doctrine of Karma and acknowledged VRG's influence. Hon. E. B. Sherman Master in Chancery of the United States, Circuit Court, wrote on VRG "It has rarely, if ever, been my good fortune to meet a man whose reading and culture have been so wide and varied, and who, withal, has so sweet, sincere and teachable a spirit as Mr. Gandhi'. E. Allen Richardson in "Strangers in This Land" mentioned about the Parliament and VRG's interview with New York Times.

Lion of the season, VRG's immense success was covered by the following list of leading newspapers, and periodicals of USA: A) New York Times, B) St. Joseph Gazette, C) The Jamestown New York, D) Editors Bureau, E) Chicago Daily Sun, F) Chicago Herald, G) Chicago Suburban Star, H) Light of Truth, Cincinnati, I) Buffalo Times, J) The Illustrated Buffalo Express, K) Morning Star, L) Buffalo Evening Times, M) Buffalo Express, N) Buffalo Courier, O) The Evangelist, P) Evening Post, Q) Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, R) The Rochester Herald, S) Rev. R. A. White, Chicago, T) Addison Parker Pastor of leading Baptist Church.

VRG wrote many articles and books in Gujarati as well as in English. He wrote on topics of social and cultural reforms like education for women and custom of repenting. VRG translated many publications, including The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ in English from French in 1894 from an ancient manuscript found in Tibet. VRG's selected speeches titled "Jainism in Western Garb as a solution to the Life's Great Problems" and other compilations were also published.

In his last days VRG was in England for Shatrunjay-Palitana Tirth matter and succeeded in getting poll tax on Jain pilgrims abolished, risking his own life, being threatened by the Ruler. VRG wanted to continue his activities for a long time and to accomplish much more but unfortunately he could not, as this brilliant and promising young man, full of hopes and aspirations died at a very young age of 37 on August 7, 1901, within two months of his returning from third journey of the West, leaving unbridgeable void. The Jain community in mourning his death kept their business closed for five days. His short life span was full of great achievements. He sacrificed his brilliant legal career for the cause of Jainism and died in service to humanity.

In 1891, he was responsible in winning the case known as "Piggery Case" in Calcutta High Court for closing down the slaughterhouse run by an Englishman at Sametshikhar Pilgrimage. For this he had stayed in Calcutta for six months and learnt Bengali language to prepare the brief which was lost at the lower court. As a true humanitarian, he sent Ind.Rs.40, 000 and a shipload of grains from U.S.A. to India during worst famine of 1896-97.

As a reformer he established a] Gandhi Philosophical Society, b] Society for the Education of Women in India (SEWI). Under the banner of SEWI, several Indian women came to U.S.A. for higher studies. c] School of Oriental Philosophy, d] Jain Literature Society in London. As a national figure he attended the Indian National Congress held in Pune as the Representative of then Bombay province in 1895. He attended the International Conference of Commerce in London as an All-Asia sole delegate in 1899 where he advocated reforms of post-parcel system.

Modern research about VRG under JAINA banner has revealed that at several instances Mahatma (M. K.) Gandhi was misunderstood as V. R. Gandhi. VRG and Mahatma Gandhi were in intimate contacts , while VRG was studying for solicitor's examination. VRG & Mahatma Gandhi were together for their experiments in dietetics. VRG used to give legal assistance to M. K. Gandhi by telling him different stories about barrister's, stalwarts & vakil's. VRG used to try his best to get mahatma gandhi briefs. (2)

In a 1931 , June 13 letter, Mahatma Gandhi clarifies to Miss Emelia, Mac Bean of Chicago when she mistook him as VRG that' Madam,I have your letter for which I thank you. You are giving me credit of which I am wholly undeserving. You are thinking of another Mr. Gandhi my name-sake but in no way related to me. He and I were however friends and lived together for some time. You will be sorry to hear that he died many years ago, leaving an only son.It was he who visited America and made many friends. I have never had the privilege of visiting your continent'. (Refer (3)

Mark Twain, father of American Literature was too impressed by Virchand Gandhi & his Jain philosophy & his newspaper Buffalo express had covered immense success of VRG & on Mark Twain's Visit to India ,VRG displayed his hospitality & accompanied him to jain temples. In MARK TWAIN, on, Biblical & Hindu Miracles - G.B. singh justifies that Virchand Gandhi had met Mark Twain on his visit to India but somehow western researcher in Inventing Mark Twain: The Lives of Samuel Langhorne Clemens by Andrew Hoffman mistook Virchand Gandhi as Mahatma Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi, at this stage of Mark Twain's travel, was living in South Africa. (4)

Today western scholars on their study on Swastika do incorporate VRG's explained details about Swastika as per jain philosophy. VRG explained the Jain Swastika as follows: the horizontal and vertical lines crossing each other at right angles form the Greek cross. They represent spirit and matter. We add four other lines by bending to the right each arm of the cross, then three circles and the crescent, and a circle within the crescent. The idea thus symbolized is that there are four grades of existence of souls in the material universe. The first is the lowest state-Archaic or protoplasmic life. The soul evolves from that state to the next-the earth with its plant and animal life. Then follows the third state- the human; then the fourth state - the celestial. The word "celestial" is here held to mean life in other worlds than our own. All these graduations are combinations of matter and soul on different scales. The spiritual plan is that in which the soul is entirely freed from the bounds of matter. In order to reach that plane, one must strive to possess the three jewels (represented by the three circles), right belief, right knowledge, right conduct. When a person has these, he will certainly go higher until he reaches the state of liberation, which is represented by the crescent. The crescent has the form of the rising moon and is always growing larger. The circle in the crescent represents the omniscient state of the soul when it has attained full consciousness, is liberated, and lives apart from matter. (5)

In 1964, then monk, Shri Chitrabhanuji was pioneer in initiating the celebration of VRG's Birth Centenary. This was done on 25th August, 1964 in Fort, Mumbai where he and others addressed a large gathering. Shri Vallabh Suri Smarak Nidhi played a key role in reviving VRG's contribution in exploring Jainism in the West. In VRG's birth-town, Mahuva, a statue was erected at the Chowk (Square) in 1993 as his Memorial. Jain Center of Metropolitan Chicago has installed his statue at their temple in 1995. The Ohio Historical Society, Ohio, USA had given a big bronze plaque to the Jain Center of Cincinnati/Dayton in 1994 marking 100 years of VRG's lecture in Cleveland on September 18, 1894 mentioning that VRG brought Jainism to Ohio State.

JAINA, established VRG Scholarship Committee in 1997 as a homage and in his honor, for advancing, research studies in Jainism and VRG's unpublished literature at recognised Universities/Institutions and Pravinji C Shah Chair , JAINA,VRG committee from last 10 years has displayed tremendous Passion for VRG mission.

Most awaited postal stamp release in VRG honor, due to joint efforts of JAINA and WJC, by the Department of Post of Government of India has been scheduled [25 August, 2009] . And same would have been impossible without contribution of Shri Daulatji Jain (Chennai), Shri Pradipji Jain (Patna) , Shri Maheshji Gandhi (Mumbai) & Shri Pratapbhai Bhogilal (Mumbai) to name few who played major role for Stamp Release project. And also contribution of Past Jaina presidents, Immediate past president Shri Kiritji Daftary , JAINA President Shri Dilipji Shah, Shri Pravinji K Shah, Shri Kumarpalbhai Desai, Shri Prakashji Mody, Shri Chandrakantji Shah, Smt. Rakashaben Shah, Shri Gunvantji barvalia , Shri Pannalalji Shah , Shri Swamiji Niktleshwaran , Dr. K.K.Dixitji , Dr. Pandit Shuklaji, Shri Manuji Doshi , Dr. Noel Kingji , Dr. Surendraji Singhvi , Shri Himmatji Gandhi is highly appreciable.

This year is truly the year of Acharya Atmaramji, for on 21 February, 2009 a commemorative stamp of Acharya Shri Vijayvallabhsuri, his disciple who led the Sangh after him was released. He carried forward dreams and principles of his Guru by building many education institutions nationwide. Today many Jains globally are creating history in their fields had their education from Atma-Vallabh Foundation institutions. JAINA and WJC are planning to convert VRG's birth-home into his permanent memorial-museum.

Acharya Atmaramji was from Punjab, but place where he had dominance is today in Pakistan i.e. Gujranwala and Darkhana . And that time Jains from this area whole heartedly supported VRG's participation for first religions Parliament. That time there was Atmanand Jain Gurukul in Gujranwala. Acharya Atmaramji's Samadhi is also in Gujranwala & now at Lahore Museum.

Acharya Vijay Vallabhsuri inherited all qualities of his Guru Acharya Atmaramji & was entrusted responsibility by Acharya Atmaramji to lead sangh after him.The pair of Acharya Atmaramji & Acharya Vijay Vallabhsuri , thought the first need is not to create Jain temples but schools and study centers & hence built nationally many educational institutes.

For deep detailed study on VRG I recommend my personal favourite Book result of blessings & motivation of Pujya Acharya Shri Vijaya-samudrasuri Maharaj, Pujya Agamaprabhakar Shri Punyavijayji Maharaj and Pujya Shri Mragavatishriji i.e Selected Speeches of Virchand Raghav Gandhi by Shri Abheraj H .Baldota & Shri Hiralal H Dalal, Published by Shri Vallabh suri Smarak Nidhi

Today Pujya Acharya Vijay Nityanandsuriji maharaj & Acharya Shri Vijay Dharam Dhurandhar Suri Ji maharaj are carrying forward legacy of Shri Atma-vallabh leaded sangh.

Note: *JAINA: Federation of Jain Associations of North America &

WJC: World Jain Confederation
(1), (2) , (3) (4), (5) Modern Researches of Pankaz Chandmal Hingarh under JAINA , VRG banner , Pankaz Chandmal Hingarh has also re-discovered 4 news articles about VRG in NY times in 1890"s

Following Speakers had participated from India in 1893 world religions parliament.

1. Rajah Ram, of the Punjab.
2. Virchand Raghavji Gandhi, Honorary Secretary of the Jain Association, of India, Bombay.
3. Rev. P.C. Mazoomdar, India.
4. H. Dharmapala, India. (Actually he was from Ceylon, which was part of British India at that time.)
5. Miss Jeanne Serabji, Bombay.
6. Swami Vivekananda, Bombay.
7. Professor Chakravarti, Bombay.
8. B. B.Nagarkar, Bombay,
9. Jinda Ram, India.
10. The Rev. Morris Phillips, of Madras.

Great Indian Legend, Father of American Jainism

Introduction of Author: Pankaz Chandmal Hingarh, 29 years, Jain history researcher is India Committee Member of Federation of Jain Associations of North America's VRG Committee. He is globally active since last 10 years for Jainism-related projects under blessings of Marudhar Kesari Ramvijayji Muni and has been presented with International Jain Asmita Award.

Email :

Friday, November 18, 2011

Enjoy Las Vegas on Next to Nothing - Eat and Drink For Less

Las Vegas is famous for its food specials. There was a time you could get a complete steak dinner for . Those days may be gone, but overall, the cost of dining in Las Vegas is still better than in many parts of the country. How long has it been since you've really had a blast? Is Las Vegas on your list of fun places to go? Learn what the locals know about having a good time on a budget. Their Staycation just may be your dream! Since there is a major difference between catching a bite to eat and fine dining, or finding a drink and clubbing, we will be looking at these subtitles: Breakfast Lunch and Snacks, All You Can Eat Buffets, Restaurant Dining, Where to Get Cheap Drinks, andNightclubs and Lounges With No Cover Charge.

Eat and Drink For Less

Avenue Q Pantages

Free Comps are anything but free. The casino management will be glad to give you a meal, pay for your room, or get you some show tickets. All you have to do is win or lose a lot of money. They rate you by how long you gamble, and how much you gamble. You have to sign up for their slot club or their table games club, insert your Player's Card into the machine or ask to be rated at the tables. Then after four hours you will likely qualify for some kind of Comp. After four hours of gambling, you will also have likely spent more than the Comps were worth!

Just the same, many of the specials require a Player's Club Card. It's not required that you use the card, only that you have one. And naturally, every casino has its own club. Fortunately, several of the clubs share an owner, and will honor cards from their affiliates. Club Cards are free, but for those of you who consider the Club Card thing just a little too much of a hassle, I will point out which specials require a card, and which ones don't.

Locals also tend to frequent their neighborhood casinos rather than the touristy ones; and the neighborhood prices are lower across the board. But when you come to Las Vegas on vacation you're not expected to spend an hour crossing town to find an obscure place to eat, so this list will focus on places within a mile of The Strip, and on Freemont Street (downtown.) If you were to do an exhaustive internet search you could find many of the same deals listed here, they do all advertise, but this will simplify matters for you. There is no way for me to cover all of the choices, as there are hundreds; and the establishments are not under my control, so they may change their specials; but this is where I'd go for specials on a regular basis. I hope you enjoy the variety and the prices.

Breakfast, Lunch and Snacks

Starting out the day, there are breakfast buffets in most casinos, some pricier than others. The Station Casinos tend to have better breakfast food at lower prices when compared to the big name casinos. Assuming you'd rather save the buffet for later in the day, here are a couple of alternatives that won't wreck your wallet.

Early Breakfast is also known as the Graveyard Special, and there are quite a few choices for this one. As long as you're done partying before 6 a.m. here are a few of the best places to catch a bite.

At The Burger Joint inside the Flamingo, between midnight and 6 a.m. they serve a Ribeye steak and eggs for .99, or a Burger and fries for .00. No matter what time you go, expect a 20 minute wait. They always cook the steak to a medium temperature without asking, and they throw in some hashbrowns and toast. If you go for the burger, the fries are fabulous if you like them steak cut and crispy. (In the center of The Strip by Flamingo Road.)

About a mile off The Strip to the west on Tropicana Avenue, the Orleans serves Steak and eggs with toast and hash browns for .99 at the Courtyard Café, between midnight and 6 a.m. Service is a little faster than at The Burger Joint above, and the steak is cheaper - but not a Ribeye. If you're not in a steak mood, the Courtyard Café is one of the few remaining places to have a lot of graveyard breakfast choices for fabulous prices between .99 and .99. The Courtyard Café also has Asian and Pacific food on their menu at very reasonable prices.

SPOTLIGHT: Ellis Island Casino & Brewery

Don't be put off by the outside appearance. This place is almost always busy because it draws both tourists and locals. Also plan to wait for a table, and service can be slow if you want to eat at traditional times. Fortunately, you can get a deal here at any time, 24 hours a day. And like the sign says, this is also a brewery, so you have the opportunity to try one of their several microbrews, or even their own root beer if you prefer. Next to the restaurant you'll find the bar, which is a local's favorite for karaoke. Ellis Island is located behind Bally's on Koval Lane, by Flamingo Road.

For an early traditional breakfast (Two scrambled eggs, biscuits and gravy and bacon or sausage,) Ellis Island only charges .95 between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. for the special.

Later in the morning, or at night before crashing, you might consider New Yorksteak and eggs for .45 at Ellis Island. They serve breakfast between 11 p.m. and 11 a.m.

In the 24 Hour Restaurant, [yes, that is what they actually call it,] you can also get a 10-ounce Steak Dinner for .99. The steak comes with green beans, potato, bread, and a Beer. Overall the meal is very tasty and may be the best value meal in town. This special is not always in the menu, but if you ask for it, it is always available.

Inside Tip:Down town every casino has specials on the marquis. These specials are sometimes for specific time frames, and are not always up to date - but usually good deals - so verify the price when ordering!

Lunch timemay require a sandwich special. One of the best deals is the .25 Hotdog, at the Gold Coast. It is available between 10 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. at the Sports Book - look for a vender's cart. Expect a Chicago Style Beef Hotdog with the works. You don't have to place any bets to take advantage of the Hotdog Vender, and there are usually plenty of seats with monitors everywhere for viewing the races or the games while enjoying your dog. (On Flamingo road, about a mile west of The Strip.)

If you'd rather not leave The Strip, O'sheas Casino in the middle of The Strip between the Imperial Palace and the Flamingo serves a Hot dog with a Beer for .00, 24 hours a day. For more information on Q'sheas Casino, read further down under Where to Get Cheap Drinks.

Downtown for lunch with a big appetite, Uncle Joes's Pizza has one of the better deals. will get you two oversized slices of Pizza and a Soda. Uncle Joe's is a small authentic NY style pizza house; so expect a traditional crunchy crust, good sauce, plenty of cheese, and laid back friendly but not too fast service. (On Fremont Street and Las Vegas Boulevard.)

Another choice would be to pick up a Hot dog and a Coke for .95 in the Fremont Club at the Lanai Express. Lanai Express is known for its reasonably priced Chinese dishes served cafeteria style, so you don't have to wait for your meal. American food like Hamburgers, Hotdogs, and Shrimp Cocktail will give you more choices than you'd usually find at a Chinese place; so there's something for everybody, even those who don't want the Hotdog deal. (The Fremont Club is in the center of the Fremont Street Experience.)

SPOTLIGHT: Mermaids Casino and Lounge

Famous for vintage slots rather than glitz, this place is a funhouse for those who are not looking for quiet, high-end class. The brassy waitresses cater to the drinkers, slot players, drinkers, socializers, drinkers, eaters and drinkers. If you end up spending much time here, the waitresses will even remember what you like to drink; you'll notice a personal touch. The strings of welcome beads you discover around your neck tend to be financed by the nickel slots, and the treats here are unique. Mermaids is between the Golden Gate and the Golden Nugget on Freemont Street, downtown.

Snacksat Mermaids Casino and Lounge include the 99 cent Fried Twinky. They also have Fried Oreos and a Chocolate Covered Banana on a stick. If that's too radical, you can also get a Nathan's hot dog for 99 cents at the Snack Bar.

Snacks in Las Vegas have traditionally included a Shrimp Cocktail Special. I believe that tradition started at the Golden Gate downtown on Fremont Street over forty years ago. Sometime their menu changes faster than their Marquis, so remember to verify the price. Nowadays just about everyone has some form of Shrimp Cocktail Special priced between 99 cents and .99, so look around for it, both downtown, and in many of the smaller casinos on The Strip.

All You Can Eat Buffets

If anywhere is famous for their buffets, it's Las Vegas! Almost every casino has one, so we'll only focus on a few of my favorites that have personality. There was a day when buffets represented the best deal in town. They are still a great deal for what you get; but with the Las Vegas transition into a family destination, the cost of food has gone up across the board to reflect the lack of gambling by minors.

In general, the lower priced buffets will charge an extra for all you can eat crab legs and shrimp on Seafood Night (usually Friday), whereas the higher priced buffets will serve seafood every night. Another thing to note is that buffets generally charge the same price for Sunday Brunch as for their regular evening Dinner. Most buffets also present an assortment of Asian food in addition to any other international cuisine.

Breakfast buffets will run from to as much as less than the regular Dinner price. And Lunch buffets will usually cost between and less than Dinner. The listed price for the following buffets will be the regular Dinner amount unless noted otherwise.

Garden CourtBuffet

Located at Main Street Station, this international buffet is likely the best choice in the downtown area. The selection of Asian dishes is respectable here. Garden Court Buffet only charges .99 on most nights, and a Buy1 Get 1 coupon is usually available online. Their Friday Seafood Buffet runs more, on Thursday they have a Filet Mignon & Scampi Buffet for only more, and a T-Bone Buffet on Tuesday for more. Dinner starts at 4 p.m. and lasts until 10 p.m. This has been one of my favorite places to eat downtown, for years. I also have to remember to save room for the deserts here. (Just one block north of the Fremont Street Experience on Main Street, and connected to the California Hotel by an over-the-street walkway.)

Le Village Buffet

I'm a sucker for French cuisine, and this buffet is probably my very favorite, anywhere in town. At Paris, Le Village Buffet only serves food from the different regions of France; it is not a world buffet. If the .99 price is too steep, you might consider going in for late lunch, which is served until 3:30 p.m. By arriving around 3 p.m. and casually enjoying a two hour meal with someone special, you will just be finishing around 5 p.m., and you will only have paid .99 a piece for a fabulous meal that would run north of in any other city. Le Village Buffet serves the same selections for lunch as they do for dinner, except for the choices in shellfish, and they don't close down between Lunch and Dinner. Be sure to find the made-to-order crapes for desert! The line at Le Village is always long, so plan for that too. (On The Strip across from the Bellagio, near Flamingo Road.)

French Market Buffet

If you are looking for more of a bargain, while still in The Strip area, the French Market Buffet is inside the Orleans. Don't let the name fool you; for .99 you can enjoy this multi-national all you can eat treat between 4 and 9 p.m. Lunch is about half the price; but they clear the dining room between meals here, so you can't stay through into dinner. They also offer Friday Seafood for more, and Wednesday Steak for more. This is another locals hang out, so the lines can get long; but they usually move pretty quickly, except on Senior Tuesdays when the lines seem to grow beyond expectation. (About a mile west of The Strip on Tropicana Avenue.)

Restaurant Dining

Most casinos also offer specials of some sort in their 24 hour cafés. Some specials are always available, and other specials are not on the menu, but are available by specific request! Here are a few of the many specials, starting with the Downtown area.

SPOTLIGHT: The California Hotel

The California Hotel seems like it could be renamed the Hawaiian Hotel, as they specialize in Pacific Island specialties. For example, this is one of the few places to find Spam on a menu. And their best lunch is in a place called Aloha Specialties. For cheap drinks The California offers Heineken and Corona for in all of their casino bars, 24 hours a day. Located at Ogden and Main Street, it is one block north of Fremont St, and behind the Las Vegas Club. The California Hotel is also connected to Main Street Station by an over-the-street walkway.

Located inside the California, Aloha Specialties has an assortment of cash specials available between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Chicken Super Bowl for .85 is served over rice with either gravy or teriyaki sauce. You can enjoy a Hamburger with macaroni salad for .85, a Chicken Tofu Saimin Noodles or a Loco Moco for .75. Loco Moco is a bowl of rice with fried egg and a hamburger patty drenched in gravy. Or a Large Saimin Noodles dish for . The Market Street Café offers a Prime Rib Special for .95. The Prime Rib is served between 4 and 11 p.m. and comes with soup or salad, potato, vegetable, and a desert! Reservations are recommended at Pasta Pirate which is more than just a pasta house. They are offering what is likely the classiest dinner deal in town! Steak and Lobster Tail with a choice of pasta, potato or rice, plus a saladand a glass of Wine for only .

Magnolia's Veranda

Four Queens is part of the Fremont Street Experience. Inside Four Queens, Magnolia's Veranda offers a Prime Rib Dinner between 4 p.m. and midnight for .95. The special comes with soup or salad, choice of potato, vegetable of the day, and a roll.

Player's Card holders get a discount on the special. Magnolia's also runs a Buy 1 Get 1 offer on line as part of the Fremont Street Experience. This 24 hour café is upstairs and overlooks the casino, so if you'd rather more of a restaurant feel, ask to be seated in the back room. (Located between Fitzgerald's and the Golden Nugget.)

In The Strip area, most of the deals are a few blocks away. This is their bribe to get you off The Strip.

Bougainvillea Café

Bougainvillea Café, at Terrible's Casino & Hotel offers two specials that are not on the menu; you have to ask your server for them specifically. The Half-Chicken Dinner is .99 and the T-bone Steak Dinner is .99. You can also find many other selections priced between .99 and .99. Located upstairs in the Mezzanine level, this 24 hour café has Mexican, Chinese and American selections. The Chinese food is better than you get in most casino buffets, and there is nothing terrible about these values! And for an even better deal, look for their Buy 1 Get 1 offers. Bougainvillea is also famous for their very large portions, so come hungry; you'll find the food is better than it needs to be for the price. So if you've been down on your luck and want some good food for less, this is the spot. (On Paradise Road, about a mile east of The Strip, by Flamingo Road. Only a block away, the Hard Rock Hotel is within walking distance.)

Mr Lucky's 24/7

The café at the Hard Rock Hotel offers a Gambler's Special for .77 that is not on the menu. This is a Steak with three grilled Shrimp, salad, and a choice of broccoli or potato. The Gambler's Special is available 24 hours a day, but you do have to remember to ask for it specifically. Mr Lucky's 24/7 has large comfortable tables, generous portions, good service, reasonably short lines, and a nice selection of beer. (On Paradise Road, about a mile east of The Strip, by Harmon Avenue.)

Where to Get Cheap Drinks

First a little note of caution; the "free drinks" in the casinos for gamblers are not all that free. If you can stay on your budget while alcohol happy, go for it. But the casinos have found that alcohol happy gamblers spend much more than sober ones!

Many of the restaurants in Las Vegas offer Happy Hour Specials; often a two drinks for the price of one type of thing.

On The Strip, O'sheas Casino offers Domestic Draft Brews for . I've seen Beer Pong played here, and this is the only place I've ever seen Casino Backgammon. The crowd tends to be under thirty, and everything here is on the cheap. Try to imagine a Frat House Party with the Sorority Girls in attendance. O'sheas Casino is tucked in between the Imperial Palace and the Flamingo.

Benny's Bullpen in Binion's Horseshoe serves Miller Lite, Jack Daniels or Southern Comfort for . Next to the Sports Book, Benny's Bullpen is a more comfortable place to kick back with a few drinks while watching your game. Benny's Bullpen also runs a Pizza and Pitcher special... best with friends. (Downtown in the middle of the Fremont Street Experience.)

If you prefer cheap mixed drinks, The Plaza serves Well Drinks for .50 all the time. The Plaza was once a fabulous new casino, but that was eons ago. Nowadays they tend to attract the cheapskates and low-life's. To make this work for you just remember to generously tip your waitress and smile; she won't be expecting it, so you're likely to get better service than anyone else. If you're looking for glitz, this is the wrong place; if not, the Sports Book may be the best place to hang out. The Plaza is on the Main Street side of The Fremont Street Experience.

Nightclubs and Lounges With No Cover Charge

Locals have free access almost everywhere, and most of the time. Seeing that sign can really irritate you if you happen to be from out of town. Ladies also get treated special at many of the Las Vegas clubs; on Ladies' Night the drinks are often free until 11 p.m. - for ladies only.

Although the drinks may not be free for most of us, here are some of the clubs that usually have no cover charge - so you can regulate your expenses according to what you drink while dancing and having a blast.

Caramel Bar & Loungeat the Bellagio is a hybrid high energy dance club and smooth intimate ultra lounge combination. Chocolate oversized leather furniture under warm caramel lighting, accented by a marble topped center island, creates a warm and inviting ambience that delivers both comfort and sophistication. The dance floor is animated by local DJs turning Hip-hop and Top 40 hits. And a light appetizer menu is available between 5 and 9 p.m. to compliment the full service bar. Since proper club attire is required, bling is not out of place here. You'll find that this is the perfect place to kick back with friends, or spend some intimate time with someone special.

Cleopatra's Barge Nightclub atCaesar's Palace has reinvented itself to attract a younger crowd than in the past. Cleopatra's Barge has a floating dance floor with DJs turning R&B and Classic Rock hits through the night. This Egyptian themed dance club is served by a full bar, with tables scattered across the "dry land" and a few more tables "on deck" that are usually reserved. If you're looking for a quiet romantic spot, this may not be it; but if you just want to have fun, this is the place for you.

Mist Bar & Loungeat Treasure Island is a fusion of two ideas. On the one hand Mist is very similar to the Caramel Bar & Lounge, just a little darker and bit more intimate. With Persian rugs, dark leather lounge style couches, warm ambient overhead panels, candle lit coffee tables, and potted plants, against dark burgundy walls, Mist is the perfect hotspot to mingle with close friends or unwind with a little romance in mind. DJs spin a tasteful blend of Hip-hop, Rock, and the popular current hits at a volume that allows a comfortable mixture of conversational privacy, intimacy, and people watching. On the other hand, Mist also sports an oversized plasma TV for game night and a few beers with the guys. This is like partying in a larger version of your own truly cool living room!

Level 107 Lounge, (formerly the Romance Lounge,) at the Stratosphere, located on the north end of the fabulous Las Vegas Strip, features the most spectacular views in town. Level 107 Lounge sits on a circular balcony high up in the Stratosphere Tower. Low lights and a deep red décor combined with great cocktails and incredible breathtaking views, make this a great place to unwind or to create a most memorable experience. Level 107 also overlooks the restaurant which makes appetizers available. Live music by Afterglow between 9 p.m. and 1:30 p.m. is a plus on Wednesday through Saturday nights. Afterglow has a unique sound that combines Jazz, Pop, and Contemporary music.

SPOTLIGHT: The Silverton Hotel

The Silverton Hotel is worth a mention here. It is no where near anything on the Las Vegas Strip, but if you just happen to have some extra time on the way in or out of Las Vegas from the Los Angeles direction, or if you simply want to get out of the traffic if your timing allows, there are several deals here. They have no choice but to bribe you since they are so out of the way from Las Vegas proper. Although, they do have easy freeway access at Highway 15 and Blue Diamond Road!

The Silverton Hotel has an aquarium as their major attraction. This is no ordinary aquarium as you can expect to see mermaids in addition to 4,000 tropical fish (including three species of stingray and three species of shark.) The room sized curved acrylic tank is located by the bar, and the mermaids put on a 15 minute show every half hour throughout the afternoon and evenings on Thursday through Sunday. During the day, everyday, you can also watch the sharks and stingrays being fed in the afternoon at 1:30 and 4:30 or in the evening at 7:30 p.m. There are also a few creatively lit small jellyfish aquariums in the bar.

At the bar they serve Miller Genuine Draft for , and the show is free. While you're there, the Sundance Grill serves a sirloin steak, golden fried shrimp, soup or salad, and your choice of baked potato, rice, or fries for only .99.

Have a Lot of Fun for Less

With these tips it is possible to eat for under a day, and still get as much as you want.

A few things to remember though: Most of the Las Vegas employees get paid next to nothing, and actually live off of their tips. Typical tips start at to . If you happen to be a winner, you might tip a little more; you'll be surprised at the increased quality of service when you do. So please remember to appreciate the service, especially when it is excellent.

For further savings and to avoid tipping situations, here are a few suggestions:

Avoid Room Service! Room Service always includes additional charges and requires a tip for your server. Most all of the hotels have a 24 hour Café that will cost you much less. Also refer to the deals mentioned above.

Watch Your Beverages! Soft Drink and Bottled Water prices are designed to make up for the food deals in Las Vegas. Beverage prices tend to run and a piece. So if you want water, just ask for a glass of water, (it's free and it taste good here.) Wine is more affordable by the bottle than for a few glasses. And brewed Coffee or Tea tends to be priced more normally.

Enjoy Las Vegas on Next to Nothing - Eat and Drink For Less

If you'd like to find out more about your best deals, there are too many choices to display in this article.

To learn the Insider Secrets to cheap Flights, cheap Hotel Reservations, and cheap Car Rentals, please check out:

If you'd like to travel anywhere in the U.S. and have all your needs met for under a day, you should check this out:

If you have enjoyed this article, please look for these related subtitles for Enjoy Las Vegas on Next To Nothing, to quickly find the right deals for your trip. The categories include:
• Sights Worth Seeing - Off the beaten path
• Totally Free Entertainment
• Window Shopping - With a Free Show
• Have Fun For Less
• Discount Headliner Shows
• Eat For Less
• Where To Stay For Less - Without Sacrificing Location
• Free Public Transportation & Parking

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Living in Kensington, Brooklyn

Kensington is a neighborhood in Brooklyn located near Prospect Park and Greenwood Cemetery. It is a mix of art-deco buildings, row houses and detached, single family Victorians. It is one of the few neighborhoods in the area that has yet to be gentrified and living in Kensington will give new arrival to New York an authentic look at life in the city.

Housing in Kensington isn't nearly as expensive as in other nearby neighborhoods but it is still pricey given that it's in New York. One-family houses start at around 0,000 but one-bedroom condos can be had for as little as 0,000. If you are looking to rent, a one-bedroom apartment will cost around ,500 obviously depending on the exact area and the current state of the accommodation.

Avenue Q Pantages

Living in Kensington you will meet a very diverse group of people from all walks of life. People here come from all kinds of places including Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Albania, Russia, Mexico and the Caribbean among other countries. The suburb is made up largely of middle class families who are moving away from the more gentrified areas found in other parts of Brooklyn. While generally safe, certain areas have crime rates that are higher than the rest of Brooklyn. The neighborhood side streets can get quiet fairly early so be alert and you shouldn't have any problems.

Kensington doesn't have a decent sized park of its own but it is only a short walk or shorter bike ride to the southern part of Prospect Park which has tennis courts, baseballs diamonds, and soccer fields. If you would rather spend your time indoors, Shenanigans Pubs on Caton Avenue has a great neighborhood vibe to it with an Irish flavor, outdoor seating and karaoke on Saturday nights. Denny's Steak Pub is another good local choice with a 2 for 2 happy hour. The restaurant scene in Kensington reflects the diverse community with everything from Eastern European fare to Indian food to choose from.

The main shopping district in Kensington is Church Street with a busy, but downscale shopping area. It has everything you could need and, if it doesn't, there are some smaller shopping areas along Ditmas Avenue and Cortelyou Road. There is a recently expanded Foodtown supermarket on McDonald Avenue for all of your grocery needs. The travel time on the F train to Manhattan is around 45 minutes and longer on weekends. The Q train is a longer walk but offers an express service. Fortunately there are also many bus routes to get you where you need to go.

Kensington isn't a flashy neighborhood but it is a good example of what living in a New York suburb should be like. Living in Kensington will give any new arrival to New York a good flavor of what the city is all about with its diversity.

Living in Kensington, Brooklyn

Kirsty runs a website about living in New York with tips for new arrivals heading to the city. It also has information on what living in Kensington is like.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Chicago - The Best Shopping Destination In USA

Chicago, the third largest city in United States, is definitely one of the emerging names in world's best shopping destinations. Today, if one says Chicago as a new shopping paradise on planet Earth, then it won't be wrong. While this city is classified as an alpha world city and may be slightly small in size in comparison to other cities, there is no doubt that this city rank high in shopping charts and living standards. Form fashionable boutiques, department stores and outlet malls this city named Chicago offers a wide variety of shopping experiences.

The primary shopping area in the city is Michigan Avenue. Surrounded with world-class and scaling tree-lined streets and dazzling architectural portico, it is an ideal place to spend your day. Known for its splendid shopping malls, this venue offers a lively array of stores, shops spanning six levels, restaurants, Banana Republic and Chicago's department store. Women who are just searching for fashionable and vibrant accessories then this could be the next place to soar your desire and shop till you get tired.

Avenue Q Pantages

Now just if you are crazy about fashion and like to dress-up yourself with modern garments and unique jewelry then don't forget to step in Oak Street. This is really one of the busy shopping destinations in the nation. Offering brand and luxury collection of apparel and accessories for every age group, here you can easily find some of the most famous shops that also feature some excellent collections from world's top fashion designer. It doesn't matter which age group belong, Oak Street has exciting collection of jewelry and apparel stores.

Wait a minute, just in case if you are thinking of dropping your shopping bags then wake up. Lincoln Park is waiting for you. It takes 5 to 10 minutes from Michigan Avenue hotels to reach Lincoln Park shopping area. This mini shopping world within a world consists of two primary blocks Armitage and Halsted Streets. Known for its magnificent stores, boutiques and day spas, this venue is like a gem in Chicago. Here you' can find huge selection of denim, as well as accessories like bracelets, earrings, belts, heels from established designers including C&C California, Chip & Pepper, James Cured, Marc Jacobs and Earnest Sewn. You shopping in Chicago is just incomplete without visiting this place.

Just south of the Chicago River, State Street is a next high lively shopping destination that has the best combination of the past and present. Having old-fashioned street lamps and architecture, with novel and excellently designed retail establishments, this avenue has lot to offer.

Now if You're looking for something that is out of the ordinary, then Buck town-Wicker Park is just waiting for you. Famous as retail hub of Chicago, this shopping avenue has independent shops and boutiques. These boutiques offer established designers' handcrafted jewelry, rare art and antiques. The best part of this shopping avenue is the retail stores located here offer a matchless rank of service that can be rarely found anywhere else in this world.

So if you are a new to this shopping paradise or planning to visit this shopping paradise, you are at right place which really helps save you money and time and giving you hassle free shopping experiences with top class personalized guest services at affordable prices in all Chicago hotels.

CDSC features wide array of hotels and stores including several holiday packages which really helps you a lot to find out the best shopping destinations in Chicago.

Chicago - The Best Shopping Destination In USA

For more details visit chicago shopping malls [] featuring wide array of hotels and shopping stores.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Advocates Of Examination Malpractice

The derogative falling of our educational standard is becoming uncontrollable, the pollution of our education by both stakeholders and students is now pointing towards the wrong direction. Our dependency on external technology results from our inability to purge out this menace.
Nigerians' known with our emphases on certificate orientation [i.e. presentation of certificate for job or employment] is gradually killing our technology development. The certificate qualification orientation unknowing bedded in us [our nation], leads to many acquiring "same" [certificate] by all means positively or negatively. All forms of misconduct and malpractices had and are still been introduced to achieve this eccentric menace [certificate]. our mind, which is part of that that control our taught, and action are channel toward the easiest way out of achieving this eccentric 'goods'. The development of our intellectual capacity are derail due to the fact that stakeholders [Government, administrators, Teachers and students [parents] are primarily focusing on the end result of our education (certificate)].

I often wonder, "Why is examination malpractice a psychological problem?" The growing menace of examination malpractice in our schools is becoming worrisome and disturbing phenomenon day after day. The problem is not peculiar to a particular level of education rather pervaded all educational facets in Nigeria. Primary, secondary, Tertiary or professional institutions of learning.
Of all educational problems in Nigeria, none poses a great threat than the issue of examination malpractice in schools. Also of public and stakeholders concern is the problem of how to effect improvement in the students performance so that the learning institutions and the public at large may not be saddle with the problem of half or ill-baked educated graduates both at the post-secondary and tertiary institutions of learning.

Avenue Q

Undoubtedly, standards of performance at examination have declined considerably within the past ten years or there about. So also has every sectors of the societal development in the country. The most disturbing aspect of it all is the participation or involvement of school administrators, parents/Guardians, and examinations personnel. The rampant private and special centres for external examination like JAMB, West African Examination Council are part of stated involvement of non schools administrators. The Nigerian President states in Ozuma (2005) that by 2010 if educationalist and stakeholders do not pay adequate attention on the re-orientation and re-channelling of the youth at the post-primary schools to a more acceptable and drastic reduction in examination malpractices, the nation educational standard is bound to rut in pains. How one comes to acquire knowledge, what one comes to know and why such knowledge is possible are developed in [schools] learning cognitively, said Mbanefo (1998). Since what are acquiring during learning is faulty; we are then heading towards a faulty society. As it is know that learning goes hand in hand with malpractice and misconduct in Nigeria and other part of the world, the students cognition is derail and it is gradually killing our society.


The book: students Counselling (1981) argued that anxiety is one of the major problems of examination malpractice. He further suggested that educational programmes in examination stress management are needed to assist students in coping with examination anxiety. This statement above access the favour question that 'why is examination malpractice a psychological problems?' It tend to focus on the cognition of students development; that is their acquisition of interpretation, classification and remembering information, evaluation of ideas; inferring principles and deductions of rules, imagination of possibilities, generation of strategies fantasizing and dreaming.

The periodic test (evaluating) and measurement of students after such periodic acquisition of experience is know as examination argued Efe (1999), Salim (1999) also see examination as a systematic way of the content of a subject pupils or students have acquired after a given period of time by their teachers.

Examination malpractice involves various method employed by candidates to cheat during examinations. Usman (1994). While Sahman's et al (1990) elaborates further and better that malpractice in examination as an unlawful behaviour or activity engaged by students to have personal advantage in an examination over their colleagues or mates who are competing in the same examination. Onfechere (1996) accepted this definition by further throw more light on it illegality that it is an unacceptable equally; an act or any act(s) of misconduct such as leakage, impersonation, writing on hidden part(s) of wares, encoding/decoding of the fingers for objectives tests, exchanges of question papers and answer booklets committed before, during or after the examination by either the students taking the examination or by officials assigned with the administration, evaluating or measuring the examination result.

Shonekan (1996) angrily view examination malpractices as act of omission or commission that contravenes those West AFrican Examination Council rules and regulations to the extents of undermining the validity and reliability of the test and ultimately the integrity of the certificates issues by West AFrican Examination Council. Dike (1996) from the psychological view said examination malpractice is all forms of cheating which directly or indirectly falsely the ability of the students. (Performance).


Examination malpractice is not a new phenomenon in Nigeria, as well as indeed in any part of the world. The first examination malpractice in Nigeria was reported in 1914, when there was a leakage of question paper into the senior Cambridge local examination; others traced the origin of examination malpractices to the wave of cancellation of Nigerian's candidate paper in 1948 because it posses on history during the 1940 matriculation examination to the then 'Yaba' - nigeria technical (Soyele 1991). The most pronounce malpractice in Nigerian in early examination was that of 1964 that was tagged 'expo' subsequently in 1970,1973,1974,1979,1981,1988 and 1991 followed (Oladope 1997). Since 1991 to date examination has taken advance and more sophiticated dimensions, records are been emerged yearly indicating high or low percentage in examination malpractice in the Nationals core examination (external) West AFrican Examination Council and JAMB (Daily time 2005).

To expatiate this manifestation, Proff. Bello Salim (2002) JAMB registrar said that thirty out of one hundred and sixty-six examination towns were involved in cheating and malpractice while forty-five thousand four hundred and forty-eight candidates seeking University admission had their results cancelled in year 2002 because of examination malpractice.

Referring to the examination fraud in the country the Nigerian President, 'Chief Olusegun Obasanjo' said students' in the country perceived education as a means of getting a meal ticket and getting a job (Bello et as 2003); the President further argued that the perception or orientation must charge so that students would appreciate the intrinsic value of education, which is the total development of the individual to be able to make meaningful contributions to the family, community and the country at large.


A special article public by the West Africa Examination council on How to Pass in Examination (2005), where questions and answers on examination were discussed, The twelfth question is: WHAT IS EXAMINATION MALPRACTICES? Apart from other references made to the West AFrican Examination Council syllabus a list types of examination malpractices are listed as follows:

Candidates bringing books or cribs into the examination hall;

Insulting or assaulting any Supervisor or Invigilator;

Replacing their answer scripts with another one during or after the examination;

Swooping of scripts in an examination hall;


Taking part in mass or organized cheating in the examination hall or around it environ.
The ANCOPSS journal Volume 5, (1998) further contribute that one of the oldest and commonest method as listed above is the entry into the examination hall with cribs (microchips), writing on handkerchief/tights, there is also the strengthen of the neck like the giraffe to look at the neighbours work knowingly or unknowingly to the neighbours. And in the Eastern part of Nigeria, the use of hooligans, gaining entry into examination halls by force as examinations are in progress to remove question paper, then escape from the hall and later on throw in answered-pieces (of papers) to their candidates for them to copy; such case was reported in July 1990, Polytechnic, College of Education Examination in Nigeria - Nnewi centre. (Eze, 1991).2004 West AFrican Examination Council.

Dare (1994) identified plagiarism as a form of examination malpractice that should be investigated and punished in the same way as cheating in the examination hall. Plagiarism is the use of another person's work without appropriate acknowledgement both in the text and in the references at the end of the work. He further add the under listed as other form of plagiarism: -

Copying laboratory and field work reports or item papers or both,

Colluding with a member of staff in order to submit a new prepared answer script as a substitute for the original script after an examination,

Writing of project(s), laboratory or filed report on behalf of a student(s) by a member of staff.
Secretly breaking into a staff office or departmental office in order to obtain questions papers and answer scripts is indicated as another form of examination malpractice that should be condemned argued Fawehimin (cf 2003).

Wollherm (cf 1996) views is from the inception of registration, he said asserted that manipulation of registration forms in order to sit for an examination, which the student is not qualified is also a form of examination malpractice. Others include colluding with a medical doctor in order to obtain dully-medical certificate on grounds of fringed illness producing a fake medical certificate.
Other advance method of text messages has been discovered and experimented, while we keep waiting on more unknown methods of examination malpractice stakeholders must hold their heads high to fight this menace headlock.


Researchers on examination malpractice had argued and contributed to the basic factors responsible for examination malpractice in Nigeria, opinion and facts are gathered for this argument.

Aina (1991) and Aliyu et al (1991) agreed in their various submissions that the desire to pass at all cost is responsible for examination malpractice. The facts remain that Nigerian orientation on education is certificate and high-grade intensiveness, students, parents, school management tend to push harder on wards to get the certificate and good-grade by all 'means' to secure employment, others prefer to manipulate to be admitted in a choicest higher institution(s).
All this factors according to Denga (1993) are boiled down to four factors of: -




A) PSYCHOLOGICAL: - this includes all the stress, which is often induced in by parent, the peer pressure groups, and students; this they experience enormous stress and anxiety in trying to meet the various demand of subjects significantly. A study conducted by Drake (1941), Monday (1971) and Keller (1976) support this psychological reasons, that stress and anxiety experience by students during examination are conspicuous, thus, have been critised because students tend to develop undesirable habit (Ward 1981, Murphy 1988, Lamm 1984), Which normally led them to poorly prepared for examination(s) and subsequently exposed them in engaging in examination malpractice and misconduct. It should also be taken that psychological tremor of failure or scoring low grade promotes their involvement in examination malpractice and misconduct. This psychological factor also brings in Maslow's motivational theories; which emphases the basic need i.e. physiological need of man, he argued that these needs motivate and enhance learning, that if students physiological needs are not physically meant it will affect their concentration in a teaching/learning situation, thereby preparing the students' cognition at a very low level and encourage students to engage in all sort of misconducts and malpractice during examinations.

B) ENVIRONMENT FACTOR: - this is another facxtor stated by Denga (1983) that basically led students/co-riders to examination malpractice and misconduct, the environmental factor include the crowded nature of our classroom/theatres as well as exanimation halls with few invigilators during examination. Teachers/Lecturers inability to cover up the stipulate syllabus, for the period been stated before an internal or external examinations, like promotional examination, WAEC, NECON or JAMB, obsolete and obscured instructional materials which are inadequate in the schools; may force some students to check even if they do not want to in an examination.

C) INTELLIGENCE FACTOR: - Adeloye (2004) in their book stated that the concept of individual difference must be built at the back of our mind when comparing academic competence, ability and comprehension from one student with another, the failure of students to recognize the fact that the IQ (Intelligent Quocent) differs and cannot be compare on is another factor; Thus, academically weak students will atime try to compare himself with naturally gifted student who is brilliant. When the weak-academic student are not able meet up with the challenge, the opt the 'missing' links with crisps or external help to pass their examination, this missing links are associated with misconcept and malpractices. Salim (1998) further elaborated this view from the psychological point; that be intelligent and been smart are two different concept or been academically gifted. Been smart means sly, ability to able been to handle situation with what is physically available within the limited time implies smart while intelligent involves your cognition and reaction to stimulus. A smart student may not be intelligent but can easily pass his/her examinations than an intelligent student


From facts gathered as a result of this article, the advocates of examination malpractice are:

The students

The parents/Guardians

Schools' management and their staffs

Examination Officer(s)

These itemised advocates are strongly supported by Thomas Abbey (2005) in a workshop on examination malpractices and it effects.

The much importance attached to certificate in this country had made the advocates of education advocates and pro- examination malpractice. Professor Babs Fafunwa introduced the 6-3-3-4 system of education with the best intentions. Today, as a result of the crazy illusion attached to the worthless paper issued in Nigerian schools called certificates, the -3-3 aspect of the system has been tacify killed. What is left behind is 6-4; a practice where a student leaves secondary school and transfers to the tertiary school irrespective of his/her competence to execute and display the cognitive, psychomotor and affective responsibilities befitting a tertiary level students. The truth remain that most certificate flaunted and brandished by Nigerian Youths are obtained through dubious means. Who would blame the invigilator, WAEC, NECON or JAMB official, the parents or even the candidate for savouring this anti-intellectual, anti-progress, detractive means of achieving academic excellence? Each of these shareholders known that the political leadership is no less transparent than the invigilator.

Both examination officials and schools' staffs are aware that what accrues to them in terms of numeration cannot adequately cater for their basic needs or responsibilities, so they source for something by the wayside - it is a know fact that parents are aware that nobody asks questions about the quality of their wards' certificate. What matters is the production of the piece of paper when needed; the intellectual resourcefulness had been fed with negative orientation so much so that he believes the only avenue to success is to procure a certificate through hook or crook. The student is so much in a hurry to join the sickening debauchery being conducted by Nigeria's elected ruler ship. I believes that the national examination bodies like JAMB, WAEC, NECON should discover the 'forces' driving secondary school students to 'special centre' where examination malpractice is organized and executed with the assistance of the staffs of these examination bodies, students' parents/guardians, a management and staffs of the school 'centre' and the students at the centre. These syndicates connive and get their selected candidates posted to one examination centre where 'they' bribe the supervisors and security operatives and cheat massively with experts in all the subjects. Some examination conducted for secondary school students; the school authorise buy over the supervisor and organize their teachers who solve the questions with multiple options and distributes to the students. As this research is going on, there are new wake up calls for students to come and register for this year's JAMB, NECON, WAEC with these syndicates with "GUARANTEED SUCCESS' - irrespective of whether you study or not. And believe it the students, parent are listening and ready to comply.


The causes of examination malpractice are numerous as one encounter examination; different reasons are given to exhaunurate advocates from these acts. These exhaurations tend to expose the causes of examination malpractice. Maduka (2001) sees undue emphasis placed on certificate as one of the causes of examination malpractice in Nigeria. Maduka opined that the Nigeria society places too much emphasis on certificates obtained and examination passed on its own determinants. He further said that paper qualification and certificates serves as means of getting well paid jobs achievement of social status. This argument was strongly agreed to by Dr Tolofari (2006) a director in Rivers State information ministry, he agreed that 'we should realize that the certificate mentality is one of the rook causes of examination malpractice and fraud in Nigeria'. This also emphases the President's statement; (2005) Obasanjo said students in Nigeria perceived education as a means of getting a meal ticket (certificate) and getting a job. As a result of this trend, morality and honesty have been thrown to the dogs to pass examination and obtain certificates so long as emphasis is not on ones performance but on the paper first. Many holders of certificates cannot practically defend them through their performance.

The economy is another causes of examination malpractice states Ahusa (1994) in a journal published and titled "Students performance in Examination". He asserted that due to the dwindling economic standard, low income to meet the ever growing human wants, teachers cum supervisor engages in misconduct and malpractice - these they do in exchange of money (bribe), gift items, contracts and other mouth-watery offers from either the candidates or their advocates. Akinyode (2004) agreed with the poverty levels of Nigerians as one of the causes of examination malpractice, he states that the world Bank and the International community's assessment of the poverty level of Nigerians has moved from 40% in 1992 to 70% in 1996. This poverty level had injected almost all civil servants with virus called bribery. Bribery in our educational system has given birth to the monster called malpractices. These monsters are presently destroying our value of education and making nonsense of our certificates. Bribery in our institution of learning be it primary, secondary or tertiary will not produce the best brains in our society. Bribery would not produce the graduates who would stand tall away equals and who would go on to make tangible and lasting contributions to the advancement of humanity - supported Uwhejevwe -Togbolo (2005).

Fafunwa (1974) identifies another causes of lack of proper guidance and counselling programmes and added that some schools do not have guardian and counselling programmes for students - as such, students take courses without proper guardians; parents sometimes in their pride impose courses on their children not minding the capacity of the affective, cognition or psychomotor of the wards before the imposition. These kids are push too hard and too far thereby making them corrupt through engagement in malpractice and misconducts to please their parent(s) or parent(s) encouraging any form of misconducts or malpractices to justify their pride.
An article in Vanguard Newspaper (1999) carried a sketch of examination malpractice tat truancy and absenteeism made some students to be ill-prepared for examination, not because they absent themselves from schools and lectures but they do not know what others have been taught, some of the students are just lazy therefore they had to resort to examination malpractice as alternative therapy in their careers.

The quota system of admission in our Federal Schools is another factor uprooted by me as causes of examination, he observed that admitting unqualified candidates to meet geographical spread thus emergence of low performance, culminating in cheating or unconventional behaviour called examination malpractices.

Advocates Of Examination Malpractice


Adamu, M. [2001]. “Examination Malpractice” A paper presented at the 4th Annual special and prize giving day ceremony of Federal Government College, Daura Katsina State.

Bernard, M.O. [1998]. Examination Malpractice in Tertiary Institution in Nigeria: Types, Causes, Effects and Solution. Unpublished.

Brinerd, C. [1978]. Piaget’s theory of intelligence. Englewood cliffs. NJ. Prentice-hall.

Castle, E.G. [1982]. Principles of Education for Teacher. Ibadan Evans Books.

Denga, D.I. [1981]. The effects of counselling on the Development of Self concept. Apillar students Education in Africa - Vol. 2 No.1 (1981)

Editorial Commentary. [1990]. “Aiding Examination Malpractice. Daily Star. December 19 pg. 3

Gibbons, A. S., & Fairweather, P. G. (1998) Computer-Based Instruction: Design and Development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications.

Linus, H. [1999]. Scourge of Examination Malpractice in Public Examination. Success Magazine. Vol.1.

Mbanefo, I.M. [1998] INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY (A Contemporary Approach). Onitsha. Onwubike Press ltd.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Five Things To-Do-in-Vancouver During the Winter Holidays

West coast life styles include wonderful things-to-do during the Christmas season. For visitors and newcomers to Vancouver, British Columbia, here are ten choices, each a little adventure unto themselves, something that will etch vibrant memories for years to come.

Warning: Those following this To-Do List may reduce stress and may experience moments of genuine happy feelings for loved ones and the world around you.


1. A below the speed limit drive around the Stanley Park

Regarded as one of the most enjoyable urban spaces in the world, Stanley Park's 1,000 acres are situated on a magnificent peninsula just a mile from downtown. Your journey begins at the park entrance on West Georgia Street. Heading into Stanley Park you will be traveling counterclockwise with the extraordinary views out the passenger side of your vehicle.

From the historic Vancouver Rowing Club that you pass by shortly after you begin, to the world renowned totems, complete with designated parking spaces for touring cars and buses, the first few minutes offers plenty to see. By the way, it's OK to stop and get out for a moment or two.

The 6 mile or 10 kilometer route should be driven at some rate of speed under the suggested
30 km, about 19 miles per hour. The natural beauty of the inner harbor includes built-in sedatives that blend sky and water and coastal mountains with an urban landscape layered in place.

Whether with family or friends or a solo trip of your own, a drive through Stanley Park, may provide much needed balance to your hectic holiday schedule.

2. Carol Ships Parade of Lights

The Carol Ships Parade of Lights is a much loved annual event that delights communities throughout the Vancouver area. Checkpoints include North Vancouver, Lions' Gate Bridge, English Bay, Spanish Banks, Jericho, False Creek and Plaza of Nations. A time schedule is published well in advance and can be found at the event's web site

You have to remember that the city has water two large bodies of water that form natural boundaries. The Carol Ships leverage this to great advantage.

Imagine a floating parade going down main street of your town except this parade is one of ships, all shapes and sizes, decorated in holiday lights and playing Christmas Carols.

Two of the ships are large enough to serve dinner to guest who can listen to the music and enjoy the evening cruise or join in themselves to sing the Christmas carols.

This event runs from December 1st to the 23rd in 2006 with extra sailings on December 28th and 29th.

3. Polar Bear Swim on New Year's Day

Want to chill out while bringing in the New Year? Meet up with the other crazies at the foot of Denman and Davie on the Beach around 1pm New Year's Day.

Tagged as the oldest Annual Polar Bear Swim in the world, the event attracts a colorful crowd of 2,000 or more, many still wearing New Year's Eve costumes plus a mob of friendly fans cheering them on.

Dating back to 1928, Vancouver's Polar Bear Swim began at the urging of Peter Pantages, a local Greek restaurateur, who coxed his swimming buddies to dive into the 40 degree temperature waters for the fun of it all.

This year's crowd, with and without wet suits, brave the waters to raise money for charity, on a dare from a friend or just because it's something they need to do on their checklist of life's accomplishments.

4. Snow-visit on one of the three local mountains

Traditional downhill skiers have plenty of choice when it comes to skiing for the day and on into the night. Expanded runs on Cyprus Mountain feature the first local mogul course, while the gondola-only access to Grouse Mountain was the first of three to introduce night skiing.

In just 20 to 30 minutes from downtown, you can find yourself up Cypress to the west and 3,000 feet above sea level. Many visitors and locals alike get a kick out of the gondola up Grouse Mtn. Breathtaking views on the way up and likewise on the return back down the mountain will have you talking about this part of your trip for months.

Competing for space on the white hard packed trails comes from snowboards, snowshoes and cross-country skis.

Last but not least, the ski slopes on Mount Seymour an alternative to the fast pace of the other two ski destinations.

5. Bird watching along shorelines and parks

The migratory paths of many bird species funnels through the Lower Mainland of BC including English Bay. Winter months offer daily opportunities to get up close and personal with many a fine-feathered-friend. From Bald Eagles to Cormorants, Mallards to Bufflehead ducks and the full-time resident Great Blue Herons, these are just a few of the many feathered flyers who make English Bay home during the holiday season.

For the avid bird-watcher I highly recommend combining a stroll along the Stanley Park Seawall between Third Beach and the South Entrance to the park. December offers playful episodes of shore birds that love to duck beneath the surface for a good twenty seconds or so. Patient observers will find a whole flock participating in this follow-the-leader type of behavior. One moment there are forty or so birds floating along the shore, the next they are have all disappeared from sight only to bob to the surface like cork filled toys ready to continue paddling along.

Numerous vantage points for bird watchers include Spanish Banks, Pacific Spirit Park, Jericho Beach, Queen Elizabeth Park, Mount Seymour Parkway, Ambleside Park, Cyprus Provincial Park, Coal Harbor and the False Creek area surrounding the Granville Island Market.

Voted as one of the most livable cities in the world, Vancouver has so much to offer. When you do come to town for a visit we hope you enjoy your stay.

Best wishes to you and yours this holiday season.

Five Things To-Do-in-Vancouver During the Winter Holidays