Brazilian women are known for their exotic looks, beautiful bodies and full round rear-ends. The cosmetic surgery industry knows this and capitalizes off it with such things like the "Brazilian Butt lift surgery". Using plastic surgery to change your looks isn't a new thing, breast implants, nose jobs, brow lifts and the sort are very popular - however butt implants and augmentation are also growing in popularity as well. People want to have bodies that rival their favorite celebs, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to get it.
There are two types of cosmetic surgery that can be used to give you a bigger butt. Silicone can be implanted in a similar fashion to silicone breast implants and then there is the so called "Brazilian butt lift" which is a more innovative procedure that produces more natural looking results.
The Brazilian butt lift cosmetic surgery procedure is a two-in-one process, in a way it is like having liposuction and a butt lift at the same time. Your own fat is removed through liposuction from places like your stomach, back, and flanks (sides). This will literally take inches off your waistline which is critical to having an hourglass shape. The fat taken from your body is processed, stored and then transferred (or transplanted) back into your body. Well, into your butt specifically. This fat is shaped and sculpted into the deep fatty tissue of your buttocks one layer at a time. The end result is a fuller rounder butt, curvy hips and a small waist - or, the ideal hourglass figure. Not everyone qualifies for this type of surgery because you must have an adequate amount of fat in your stomach, sides and back for them to be able to process and transfer it into your butt. this surgery can cost anywhere between ,000 to ,000 according to the research that I have done. While you can certainly finance the cost, it is still a lot of money to spend on an elective procedure. There are other alternatives that cost a fraction of that.
Boom! is a padded panty molded from real Brazilian butts - it is unlike other padded panties in that it isn't stuffed with silicone or other fabric, but the feel,shape and contour are very "real" and life like. The product was featured on Tyra Banks and has a rating of 3.5 out of 4 stars from users. It lifts and plumps the butt and feels very natural to the touch. The product is priced at and when compared to ,000 for surgery - it is a STEAL!
The Boom! Brazilian Panty - A Super Cheap Alternative to a Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery
Ok - so you're body isn't as bootylicious and curvaceous as you want it to be - but I'm going to help you fix that! From excercise techniques to body ehancements like padded panties, waist cinchers and more - you'll look like a modern day pin-up girl with the perfect hourglass figure to match! Come check me out today!: >> Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery
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