Are you having difficulty with trying to contact A&R reps? Are they not returning your calls? I know many people that are going through the same problem. The thing with record label A&Rs are that they are extremely busy. Most music packages they receive end up being thrown in the trash. So now a lot of times, the only artists they will contact are through their referrals such as managers they know, lawyers, personal friends, etc. If you don't know an A&R rep personally, it is definitely harder to reach them for feedback.
I have been to many conferences, workshops, showcases, involved in contests and about everything else you can think of trying to contact A&R reps and get feedback about my artists' music. However, at those events everyone was trying to talk to the A&R which became very frustrating. I could never get more than 5 minutes with him/her. So there are some tips and resources I can share for people experiencing the same problems.
Avenue Q Pantages
1. Be Patient. If you have a contact phone number and/or email, contact them and leave a message (if they don't answer) and let them know why you are calling and get permission to send them a package. Wait a couple of days to see if they return your call/email. After three days, call again and follow up. The key is to not to become a pest. If you are too bothersome, they'll look at you as being desperate and that is not what you want.
2. Make sure your package looks professional. I have seen A&Rs with my own eyes look at a package and throw away because it was not neat. The name of the artist written with a sharpie pen on a cd is not acceptable. Create a nice cover. Make sure your contact information is included.
Contact A&R Reps With Ease!
If you are interested in resources on how to contact A&R Reps, or if you want to get signed, visit
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