Saturday, January 28, 2012

Facebook Advantage and Disadvantages

Facebook Advantage and Disadvantages-Pantages

Facebook - a popular name among those who are so into it. Individuals who have an account in Facebook are now using more of their time to socialize with other people amidst the distance and lack of time. And even if a community like Facebook serves numerous advantages, it also proves to have certain disadvantages as well. There are now series of improvements in the system just to make up with the shortcomings. Arguments regarding the different advantages and disadvantages of Facebook are stated below.


· Allows user search for new and old friends
· Accessible to chosen universities having a high level of security
· Makes it less awkward when communicating with strangers or people you are not familiar with
· Love attraction - can be used as a dating service system
· Makes it easier to join groups having similar likes and dislikes
· Allows members to check students who are taking the same class, living within the same area, or coming from the same academy

· Overcrowding
· Weakening long distance relationship
· Unsupported by physical adjacency
· Contributes wide-range procrastination
· Rampant addiction
· Stalking is possible
· Acquaintances be labeled as friends

Surely, the disadvantages don't pose a threat to you just by merely looking at it. Someone else has to prove that what users do with their profile is directly in proportion with what can happen to them. A user must understand what he is trying to give out otherwise things might get messy and people will mistook them as someone else.

It is quite obvious that a trade off is happening between the advantages and disadvantages of Facebook. While it increases the communication and connection between friends and the online community it also increases the risk of procrastination and makes it easier for others to stalk a user. Worse, some are actually punished for what they put on their profile and would claim that it was there only for fun.

Despite the above mentioned advantages and disadvantages of an online networking service, it still is gaining demand and popularity among the young crowd. There are about 10,000 students (professionals and young professionals not yet included) who are joining into Facebook every day. This is regardless of the age, race and country. Some are now trying to criticize the status of professionalism of this site whether it's just another fad like other online networking services are.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Words That End With the Letter Q? Well Maybe Just a Few

Words That End With the Letter Q? Well Maybe Just a Few-Avenue Q

Words that end with the letter Q?
There are no words that end with the letter Q
You.. silly QUasimoto!
I need them for Scrapple as well
but alas
checking under every cover
every avenue to discovery
my dictionary
my google friend
no, no, no!
A Q cannot be the end.

Avenue Q

Q is not a lonely letter
It loves to cuddle with a U
it finds one every chance it gets
no regrets
and wakes up in the morning
still cozy
next to its loyal lover.

So no lamenting for this letter Q
YOU.. silly QUasimoto.

And by the way
speaking of Q's
a cue to you
what is a QUasimoto
today on the scene?
Not a hunchback character
It's urban talk you see
an alter ego
of a high pitched rapper
spaced out
on stoned beats
singing in the streets.

Ahh me
it is all as silly as it can be
the Q in QUasimoto
lending me reason
if not a rhyme in time
selected from my imagination.
Sitting at my station
waiting for my Q to bring
not a single thing
but a U
'cause its a wonderful thing
to sing
of all the virtues U does bring
to a Q
in this dream.
I now seem to know it quite well
by my expression here
becoming QUite clear
in this QUriky poem
that sings alone for Q.

I have never met a U
that I did not find intriguing.
Yet I confess
I have often grown weary of them.
U, Ewe, You
must the subject always be so one sided?
I find myself saying
QUit it U
enough of YOU!
...and by the way
what ever happened to your oft seen companion
that dear sweet letter Q?

Yes, try to remember Q.
Humm U?
Does Q tire of your self absorbed conversations?
Sadly for Q it is true U
You do not need Q!
I see you
roaming about without Q
all the time!
But just remember U
you DO indeed need Q
to say,
"You silly QUasimoto."

So back to my travail
the Q that must always have a tail.
It alas is understood
Q never stands alone.
No matter how you've grown
you will always find a home
with other friends
that help you or ewe or U
to end this silly QUasimoto story.

You Q
will always finds a special glory
in a QUasimoto story
who will always see the value
in a U
a U that must be humbled
because it needs you, Q!

Words that end with the letter Q?
NO.. they simply don't exist!
Well...maybe just a few.


Related articles:Spring Valley Vitamins ,ทำ seo