Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Don't Give Up on La's Metro Rail Services

Don't Give Up on La's Metro Rail Services

My preferred route from downtown Long Beach to downtown Los Angeles is the La Metro Rail Blue Line. I pay .25 for a one-way trip, for a day pass, and an added speculation point-to-point of colse to 45 minutes. That de facto returns an Roi of +25 minutes while the evening, as the commute via rail is nearly half the time as driving on the 710 or 110 freeways.

Most of the Blue Line riders are blue collar workers, with a few professionals - such as myself - peppering the platforms in the Long Beach area. The Blue Line route takes you straight through some of the more renowned (or notorious) sections of Los Angeles, including Artesia, Compton, Watts, and So. Central La.

In 5 years riding the Blue Line I have never seen an incident of misconduct, other than the occasional over-zealous sheriff deputy asserting himself as a combat-ready ticket checker, ensuring no miscreant tourist has dared climb the train platform without having paid their fare.

All-in-all the La Metro Blue Line is convenient, low-cost transportation serving the needs of Long Beach and South Los Angeles Country workers and commuters.

Each day La Metro rail services carry colse to 300,000 riders, with very exiguous drama compared to other large city transit systems. If you add Metro Bus Services, that number bounces up to colse to 1.6 million riders each day, making it the third largest social transportation law in the United States.

About once a year you have an emergency piquant a bus or rail car which results in a serious injury or death. Thus, if you believe in averages, one someone in colse to 584 million passengers will be in danger of death or serious injury using Los Angeles County social transportation.

Compare this to the road and freeway system, where the California Highway Patrol site lists an median of colse to 60 serious traffic accidents (injuries) each day in the La County area. To the credit of Los Angeles, the police do inflict strict jay-walking laws, limiting the number of pedestrian accidents in busy intersections.

The modern tragic accidents on the Washington Dc Metro highlights the scale and violence of a train collision. Nine population died, and many more seriously injured. Tragic. And since the collision was head-on, it likely had human error as the cause. Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty described the Monday evening collision as "the deadliest in the subway system's 33-year history." (Afp)

Even with this globally viewed event, and the violent images displayed, metro rail and bus transit is a good thing. Metro moves a astronomical number of people, for a very inexpensive cost, with very good frequency. Metro is environmentally sound, using electricity and Cng (compressed natural gas) for fuel. Metro rail is good for the population of Los Angeles, the city, and our high-priced So Cal environment.

Let's not use Washington Dc's tragic event to affect or sway our reliance in the La Metro. Rather let's continue to join our efforts to encourage development, construction, and use of social mass transit systems. We will form safer, more efficient, and more piquant trains and buses, even in a city with a customary love affair with the automobile.

Don't Give Up on La's Metro Rail Services

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